All functions |
Aggregate Case Study Data |
Conduct an Assessment |
Calculate the optimal pattern in fishing mortality |
Calculate SPR and F reference points from HARA model |
Check a |
Check Parameters |
Print the file path for example data sets included in SLAM |
Get the file path of the system files for the SLAM package |
Generate Sampled Data from a Simulated Fishery |
Generate Seasonal Recruitment Pattern |
Import and organize data for assessment model |
Import Simulated Data |
Import the Life History, Exploitation, and Sampling Parameters |
Initialize Parameters for SLAM Estimation |
Example Life History Parameters |
Construct an empty |
Create new Parameters list |
Plot the at-age schedules |
Plot the weight composition data, and model fits to the data |
Plot the predicted fishing mortality (F) |
Plot indices of relative biomass, effort, and catch |
Plot the predicted seasonal recruitment pattern |
Plot the predicted selectivity-at-age schedule |
Plot the predicted spawning potential ratio (SPR) |
Process Case Study Data |
Generate Data and Assessment Reports |
Report the negative log-likelihoods |
Simulate the fishery dynamics for a short-lived semelparous species |
Run a Simulation Test |
Summarize Case Study Data |